This site is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a qualified medical professional before making any dietary changes.


Recipe Information

All recipes are low oxalate per serving.

Recipes that are suitable for GFCF and/or SCD are marked.

If you have a recipe that you would like to have posted on this website, please send it to: lowoxalate@....

Coconut Macaroons GFCF/SCD

Cookies GFCF

Ice Cream GFCF/SCD

Meringues GFCF/SCD

Pumpkin Pie Filling GFCF/SCD

Avocado Smoothie GFCF/SCD

Creamy Pea Soup GFCF/SCD

Food Lists

Food Lists Guide

The tabs in this panel contain food charts that show the oxalate content, the GFCF status, SCD status and salicylate content of many foods. Each individual chart lists the items alphabetically.

If you would prefer to download and print out the charts, there are three versions of the Food Charts that can be downloaded:

  • Download Oxalate Status Food Chart

    This chart is a .pdf file which contains information about the oxalate content, GFCF status, SCD status and Salicylate content for each food. The foods are sorted alphabetically by their oxalate content.

  • Download Categorized Food Chart

    This chart is a .pdf file which contains information about the oxalate content, GFCF status, SCD status and Salicylate content for each food. The foods are divided by categories, then listed alphabetically.

  • Download Alphabetized Food Chart

    This chart is a .pdf file which contains information about the oxalate content, GFCF status, SCD status and Salicylate content for each food. The foods are listed alphabetically.

Key to Interpreting Food List Values

Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
- = unknown

Neg = 0mg

Very Low
VL = 0.1-2.9mg

L = 3.0-4.9mg

M = 5.0-9.9mg

H = 10.0-14.9mg

Very High
VH = 15.0mg & up

Bold item values taken from Consolidated Oxalate List from TLO files

All other values from: The Low Oxalate Cookbook 2


N = No

Y = Y

^ = Check for details.


N = No

Y = Y

* = Check for details.

- = unknown


L = 0.01-0.09mg

M = 0.10-0.19mg

H = 0.20-0.99

Very High
VH=1.00mg & up

Values from plantpoisonsandrottenstuff

Dairy Products Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Blue Cheese - N Y Neg
Brick Cheese - N Y Neg
Brie Cheese - N Y Neg
Camembert Cheese - N Y Neg
Cheddar Cheese VL N Y Neg
Chevre - N N Neg
Colby Cheese - N Y Neg
Cottage Cheese - N N Neg
Cream - N N Neg
Cream Cheese - N N Neg
Dry Curd Cottage Cheese - N Y Neg
Edam Cheese - N Y Neg
Feta Cheese - N N Neg
Ghee VL Y Y Neg
Gjetost Cheese - N N Neg
Gorgonzola Cheese - N Y Neg
Gouda Cheese - N Y Neg
Gruyere Cheese - N Y Neg
Havarti Cheese - N Y Neg
Kefir - N Y* Neg
Limburger Cheese - N Y Neg
Manchego Cheese - N Y Neg
Monterey Jack Cheese - N Y Neg
Mozzerella Cheese - N N Neg
Muenster Cheese - N Y Neg
Neufchatel Cheese - N N Neg
Parmesan Cheese L N Y Neg
Port du Salut Cheese - N Y Neg
Primost Cheese - N N Neg
Provalone Cheese - N Y Neg
Ricotta Cheese - N N Neg
Romano Cheese - N Y Neg
Roquefort Cheese - N Y Neg
Sour Cream - N N Neg
Stilton Cheese - N Y Neg
Swiss Cheese - N Y Neg
Yogurt (commercial) VL N N Neg
Yogurt (homemade) - N Y Neg

Drinks Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Apple Cider - Y Y -
Apple Juice VL Y N M
Buttermilk VL N N Neg
Cherry Juice L Y Y* -
Chocolate Milk H N N Neg
Club Soda - Y Y -
Coconut Milk - Y Y* -
Coffee VL Y Y Varies
Coffee (Instant) VL Y N Varies
Cranberry Juice VL Y Y* VH
Decaffeinated Products Varies Y^ N Varies
Grape Juice-Purple - Y Y H
Grape Juice-Red M Y Y H
Grape Juice-White L Y Y M
Grapefruit Juice VL Y Y* H
Juice from Concentrate Varies Y N Varies
Milk VL N N Neg
Orange Juice-Fresh VL Y Y M
Orange Juice-Frozen VL Y N M
Peppermint Tea VL Y Y VH
Pineapple Juice VL Y Y* M
Rice Milk-Carob VH Y^ N -
Rice Milk-Vanilla VH Y^ N -
Soybean Milk VH Y N Neg
Spearmint Tea VL Y Y VH
Tomato Juice (Canned) M Y Y* M
V8 Juice H Y N VH

Fruits Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Apples, Golden Delicious L Y Y L
Appples, Granny Smith L Y Y H
Apples, Jonathan L Y Y H
Apples, Red Delicious L Y Y M
Apricots-Fresh VL Y Y VH
Avocados VL Y N H
Bananas M Y Y Neg
Blackberries VH Y Y VH
Blueberries - Y Y VH
Canned Fruits Varies Y^ Y* Varies
Cantaloupe - Y Y VH
Casaba (Melon) L Y Y -
Cherimoya - Y Y -
Cherries-Fresh VL Y Y H
Currants, Black H Y Y VH
Currants, Red H Y Y VH
Custard Apple - Y Y -
Dates H Y Y* VH
Dewberries H Y Y VH
Figs-Dried VH Y Y H
Figs-Fresh VH Y Y M
Gooseberries H Y Y VH
Grapefruit - Y Y H
Grapes, Green VL Y Y VH
Grapes, Red L Y Y H
Honeydew VL Y Y -
Hucklesberries L Y Y VH
Jicama - Y N -
Kiwifruit VH Y Y H
Kumquats VL Y Y -
Lemons VL Y Y M
Lemon Juice L Y Y -
Lemon Peel H Y Y -
Limes M Y Y L
Lime Juice L Y Y M
Lime Peel H Y Y -
Limes M Y Y L
Lychees L Y Y -
Mandarin Oranges M Y Y -
Mangos L Y Y M
Necatarines - Y Y H
Oranges H Y Y VH
Orange Peel H Y Y -
Papayas H Y Y VH
Passion Fruit VL Y Y M
Peaches VL Y Y H
Pears-Peeled L Y Y Neg
Pears-Unpeeled M Y Y H
Perimmons H Y Y M
Pineapple L Y Y VH
Plantains - Y N -
Plums L Y Y M
Prunes - Y Y VH
Raisins L Y Y VH
Raspberries, Black VH Y Y VH
Raspberries, Red H Y Y VH
Sharifa - Y Y -
Star Fruit VH Y Y -
Tamarind - Y N -
Tangerines - Y Y VH
Watermelon VL Y Y H

Grains & Grain Alternatives Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Alfalfa Sprouts Delicious L Y N -
Amaranth H Y N -
Barley L N N Neg
Buckwheat VH Y N Neg
Bulgar - N N -
Corn L Y N M
Cornstarch M Y Y -
Durum Flour VH N N Neg
Ezekiel Bread - N N -
Flour (Wheat) VH N N Neg
Kamut H N N -
Millet VH Y N Neg
Oats M N N Neg
Pappadum Varies Y^ N Varies
Pasta Varies Y^ N Varies
Quinoa - Y N -
Rice Flour - Y N -
Rice-Brown M Y N Neg
Rice-White VL Y N Neg
Rye VH N N Neg
Sorgum Flour - Y N -
Spelt - N N -
Sprouted Grain Bread - N N -
Tapioca - Y N -
Tapioca - Y N -
Triticale - N N -
Wheat VH N N Neg
Wheat Germ - Y Y Neg

Legumes, Nuts & Seeds Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Almonds VH Y Y VH
Bean Flour Varies Y N VL
Bean Sprouts - Y N L
Black Beans VH Y Y Neg
Black-eyed Peas L Y N Neg
Brazil Nuts - Y Y H
Butter Beans - Y N -
Canellini Beans - Y N Neg
Cashews VH Y Y L
Chestnut Flour - Y N -
Chestnuts (canned) VL Y Y* -
Chick Peas M Y N Neg
Coconut VL Y Y M
Coconut Flour - Y Y -
Faba Beans - Y N Neg
Filberts (Hazelnuts) VH Y Y L
Flax Seed L Y Y -
Garbanzo Beans M Y N Neg
Garfava Flour - Y N -
Kidney Beans H Y Y Neg
Lentils-Boiled M Y Y Neg
Macadamia Nuts VH Y Y H
Miso - Y N -
Mung Bean Sprouts L Y N L
Mung Beans M Y N Neg
Navy Beans VH Y Y Neg
Pea Flour - Y N -
Peanuts VH Y Y VH
Peanut Butter VH Y Y* M
Peas-Boiled VL Y Y L
Pecans VH Y Y L
Pine Nuts VH Y Y H
Pinto Beans H Y N Neg
Pistachio Nuts H Y Y H
Pumpkin Seeds M Y Y -
Seed Butters Varies Y N* Varies
Seed Flour Varies Y N* Varies
Sesame Seeds VH Y Y H
Soy VH Y N Neg
Soybeans VH Y N Neg
Split Peas-Green M Y Y Neg
Split Peas-Yellow L Y Y L
Tahini VH Y Y H
Tofu M Y N Neg
Tofutti Cheese - Y N Neg
Walnuts VH Y N H

Meats Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Anchovies - Y Y -
Bacon Neg Y^ Y* -
Beef Neg Y Y Neg
Canned Fish - Y^ Y* -
Eggs Neg Y N Neg
Fish Neg Y Y Neg
Ham Neg Y^ Y* Neg
Hot Dogs - Y^ N -
Lamb Neg Y Y Neg
Meats Neg Y Y Neg
Meats (Canned) - Y^ N -
Meats (Processed) - Y N -
Pork Neg Y Y Neg
Poultry Neg Y Y Neg
Sashimi - Y Y -
Shellfish Neg Y Y Neg
Smoked Meats - Y^ N* -

Baking Ingredients Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Apple Cider Vinegar VL Y Y -
Baker’s Yeast M Y N -
Baking Powder VL Y N -
Baking Soda Neg Y Y -
Chocolate VH Y N Neg
Cocoa Powder VH Y N Neg
Cream of Tartar VL Y N -
Gelatin (unflavored) VL Y Y -
Guar Gum - Y N -
Vinegar L Y^ Y* -
Xanthan Gum - Y N -

Condiments Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Apple Cider Vinegar VL Y Y -
Horseradish Sauce - Y^ Y* M
Ketchup VL Y^ Y* VH
Mayonnaise L Y^ Y* -
Soy Sauce - Y^ N Neg
Tabasco Sauce - Y^ Y* -
Tamari - Y^ N Neg

Sweeteners Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Aspartame VL Y Y -
Corn Syrup VL Y N -
Cyclamate - Y Y -
Date Sugar H Y N VH
Evaporated Cane Juice VL Y N L
Glycerin - Y Y -
Glycerol - Y Y -
Granulated Glucose - Y N -
Honey VL Y Y VH
Isoglucose - N N -
Malitol - Y N -
Mannitol - Y N -
Maple Syrup VL Y N Neg
Molasses - Y N M
Saccharine VL Y Y -
Sorbitol - Y N -
Splenda VL Y N -
Stevia VH Y Y -
Succanat - Y N -
Sucralose VL Y N -
Sugar VL Y N Neg
Tagatose - Y N -
Turbinado Sugar VL Y N L
Xylitol - Y N -

Supplements Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Aloe Vera Juice VL Y N -
Chlorella - Y N -
Echinacea VL Y Y -
Flaxseed Oil - Y Y -
Milk Thistle VH Y Y -
Spirulina VL Y N -
Yellow Dock H Y N -

Vegetables Oxalate Content GFCF Status SCD Status Salicylate Content
Acorn Squash VL Y Y -
Artichokes (French) M Y Y H
Asparagus L Y Y M
Bamboo Shoots - Y N Neg
Beets VH Y Y M
Bhindi - Y N -
Bitter Gourd - Y N -
Black Radish - Y Y -
Bok Choy VL Y Y -
Broccoli Tips-Boiled L Y Y H
Broccoli-Boiled L Y Y H
Broccoli-Raw M Y Y H
Broccoli-Steamed H Y Y H
Brussel’s Sprouts-Boiled L Y Y L
Brussel’s Sprouts-Raw M Y Y L
Brussel’s Sprouts-Steamed H Y Y L
Burdock Root - Y N -
Butternut Squash - Y Y -
Cabbage-Green-Boiled L Y Y L
Cabbage-Green-Raw L Y Y L
Cabbage-Green-Steamed M Y Y L
Cabbage-Red - Y Y Neg
Canned Vegetables Varies Y^ N Varies
Carrots-Boiled M Y Y H
Carrots-Raw VH Y Y H
Carrots-Steamed VH Y Y H
Cauliflower-Boiled VL Y Y M
Cauliflower-Raw L Y Y M
Cauliflower-Steamed L Y Y M
Celeriac-Fresh - Y Y -
Celeriac (Canned) M Y N -
Celery-Raw VH Y Y Neg
Chard VH Y Y -
Chickory Root - Y N VH
Chili Peppers H Y Y H
Collard Greens-Boiled M Y Y -
Collard Greens-Raw L Y Y -
Collard Greens-Steamed H Y Y -
Courgette (Zucchini) VL Y Y H
Cucumbers VL Y Y H
Dandelion Greens H Y Y -
Eggplant M Y Y H
Garlic - Y Y L
Green Beans VL Y Y M
Haricot Beans - Y Y M
Jaggery (Gur) - Y N -
Jalapenos - Y Y VH
Kale - Y Y -
Kimchi - Y Y -
Kudzu (Kuzu) - Y N -
Leek M Y Y Neg
Lettuce VL Y Y Neg
Mushrooms VL Y Y M
Okra VH Y N H
Olives-Green VH Y Y H
Olives-Black VH Y Y M
Onions L Y Y L
Parsnips - Y N H
Peppers, Green M Y Y VH
Peppers, Red VL Y Y H
Pickles (Dill) VL Y^ Y* VH
Potatoes, Red-Peeled M Y N -
Potatoes-Peeled VH Y N Neg
Potatoes-Unpeeled VH Y N M
Pumpkin-Canned VL Y N M
Pumpkin-Raw Neg Y Y M
Radishes, Red Neg Y Y VH
Radishes, White VL Y Y VH
Rhubarb VH Y Y -
Rutabaga - Y Y -
Sauerkraut M Y Y -
Seaweed M Y Y -
Sorrel H Y Y -
Spaghetti Squash - Y Y -
Spinach-Fresh VH Y Y H
Spinach-Frozen VH Y Y M
String Beans M Y Y L
Sweet Potatoes VH Y N H
Taro - Y N -
Tomato Paste-Canned H Y N VH
Tomato Puree-Canned H Y N VH
Tomato Sauce-Canned H Y N VH
Tomatoes-Fresh M Y Y M
Turnips VL Y N Neg
Water Chestnuts VL Y N VH
Watercress Neg Y Y H
Yams - Y N -
Yucca Root - Y N -
Zucchini VL Y Y VH